Lizard Rugs

Galapagos Land Iguana, Galapagos Islands, Round Rug

Galapagos Land Iguana, Galapagos Islands, Round Rug

The Mwanza Flat-headed Agama. Serengeti, Area Rug

The Mwanza Flat-headed Agama. Serengeti, Area Rug

Iguana Reptile Animal Round Rug

Iguana Reptile Animal Round Rug

Panther Chameleon On A Branch Custom Size Floor Mat

Panther Chameleon On A Branch Custom Size Floor Mat

Yemen Chameleon  Custom Size Floor Mat

Yemen Chameleon Custom Size Floor Mat

Green Anole Lizard (Anolis Carolinensis) Round Rug

Green Anole Lizard (Anolis Carolinensis) Round Rug

Emerald Tree Monitor, Varanus Custom Size Floor Mat

Emerald Tree Monitor, Varanus Custom Size Floor Mat

Lizards Seamless Pattern Custom Size Floor Mat

Lizards Seamless Pattern Custom Size Floor Mat

Iguana Eye Area Rug

Iguana Eye Area Rug

Green Iguana Area Rug

Green Iguana Area Rug

Vector Chameleon On A Leaf Background Area Rug

Vector Chameleon On A Leaf Background Area Rug

Chamaeleo Calyptratus Round Rug

Chamaeleo Calyptratus Round Rug


Have you ever seen a cute green lizard surfing the waves on an orange surfboard? Or a smiling gecko playing soccer? Have you met high-powered businessman Mr. Chameleon? You can now. Your favorite lizards and geckos can be permanent critters in your home, imprinted on any size lizard area rug in full color. There are over 5,600 species of lizard that can be found living everywhere except Antarctica.

For the lizard lover the possibilities are endless. You can choose a multicolored life-like chameleon resting on a flower, or images of geckos inlayed in contrasting colors, American Indian style. Black and white, neon, and rainbow colored.

The colors and styles for these lizard rugs are endless. Adorable designs can go in the kids room as well. For a playroom or nursery rug a big-eyed cartoon chameleon would be perfect with a green or blue motif.

A giant swimming gecko area rug would go great next to the swimming pool, and there are plenty of options for added creativity whether you're creating a jungle, forest, or desert themed lizard rug. If you have ever wanted to have a lizard as a pet but could never decide on what kind, look no further. There are over 160 lizard designs to choose from or you can use an image of your very own.

Did you take pictures of lizards on your last trip to Hawaii? What about that komodo dragon you captured at the zoo? There are numerous pictures of chameleons grasping tree limbs or resting on greenery. Not to mention an array of background colors to complement any shade of critter on your lizard themed rug.

If you are a lizard lover, it’s time to get excited because with lizard rugs, you are able to decorate your space with all the lizards of the animal kingdom. Decorate your bedroom like a lizard viewing area as you show the green anole, dragon lizard, chameleon and iguana rugs. No matter how great these scaly reptilians are at disguising themselves, you can’t deny how real looking lizard rugs can be. There are also prints displaying a general lizard in varying colors that can be a whimsical addition to children’s room decor. Feature these gentle, scaly reptilians to your friends in the most entertaining way throughout your home decor.

Helmet chameleon Area Rug

Helmet chameleon Area Rug

Marine Iguana Climbing Out Of Surf, Galapagos Area Rug

Marine Iguana Climbing Out Of Surf, Galapagos Area Rug

Green Gecko Custom Size Floor Mat

Green Gecko Custom Size Floor Mat

Creepy Dragon. Area Rug

Creepy Dragon. Area Rug

Common Lizard Round Rug

Common Lizard Round Rug

Chamaeleo Calyptratus, Female, Custom Size Floor Mat

Chamaeleo Calyptratus, Female, Custom Size Floor Mat

Animal Round Rug

Animal Round Rug

Chameleon Area Rug

Chameleon Area Rug

Sleeping Chameleon Round Rug

Sleeping Chameleon Round Rug

Gecko Climbing Isolated Area Rug

Gecko Climbing Isolated Area Rug

Green Anole Lizard (Anolis Carolinensis), Round Rug

Green Anole Lizard (Anolis Carolinensis), Round Rug

Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat

Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat


The model of throw rug you use can determine the ambiance for an entire home. Whether you pick a basic scheme or audacious graphic, the design you use can have a considerable impact on the living space you’re devising. With more than 700 patterns offered, there are a variety of alternatives to pick from as you search for the ideal rug. Ranging from area rugs of countless dimensions to circular rugs for every living space, there are additionally countless diverse kinds of floor coverings, like lush rugs, for you to utilize so you are able to bring your dream lizard themed room to reality.

Lizard On Stone Custom Size Floor Mat

Lizard On Stone Custom Size Floor Mat

Green Iguana Area Rug

Green Iguana Area Rug

Vector Hand Drawn Illustration Custom Size Floor Mat

Vector Hand Drawn Illustration Custom Size Floor Mat

Lizard Round Rug

Lizard Round Rug

Female Green Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat

Female Green Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat

Verde Hoja Round Rug

Verde Hoja Round Rug

Iguana Area Rug

Iguana Area Rug

Closeup Of Gecko On The Wood Wall Round Rug

Closeup Of Gecko On The Wood Wall Round Rug

Leopard Lizard / Gambelia Custom Size Floor Mat

Leopard Lizard / Gambelia Custom Size Floor Mat

Gecko Floral Tribal Art Round Rug

Gecko Floral Tribal Art Round Rug

Gecko Lizard Showing His Ten Adesive Fingers Round Rug

Gecko Lizard Showing His Ten Adesive Fingers Round Rug

Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat

Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat


When shopping for some lizard decorative rugs for your living space, there are several factors to contemplate. A good quality rug is long lasting and luxurious. At Vision Bedding’s online store, we have exceptionally decorative rugs of a great value. They will not be the least costly, but when you take into account all that we offer, you’ll acknowledge that our rugs are an outstanding choice. One consideration before selecting a rug is the measurements you’ll need for it to fit your space. We offer lizard rugs in an assortment of sizes and shapes. A circular rug is perfect next to your coffee table while a smaller luxurious rug or throw rug could be an immaculate fit for your lavatory. One factor to be sure of is that your rug will not slide out from under you when you step on it. Vision Bedding’s rugs are backed with a non skid rubber or latex matting, or come with a non skid mat, to stop your rugs from sliding across your wooden floors.

Brown Anole Lizard (Anolis Sagrei) Custom Size Floor Mat

Brown Anole Lizard (Anolis Sagrei) Custom Size Floor Mat

Galapagos Lava Lizard (Microlophus Area Rug

Galapagos Lava Lizard (Microlophus Area Rug

Close Up Newt Area Rug

Close Up Newt Area Rug

Bearded Dragon Area Rug

Bearded Dragon Area Rug

Mistress of Copper Mountain Round Rug

Mistress of Copper Mountain Round Rug

Lizard Area Rug

Lizard Area Rug

Marine Iguana, Galapagos Islands, Custom Size Floor Mat

Marine Iguana, Galapagos Islands, Custom Size Floor Mat

Gecko  Gekkonidae Custom Size Floor Mat

Gecko Gekkonidae Custom Size Floor Mat

Colored Young Male Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat

Colored Young Male Iguana Custom Size Floor Mat


While considering caliber is essential, the most interesting part is to think about designing the floor covering. If you don’t locate what you are hunting for in the inventory of themed patterns, we present you with the choice to use your own photographs or even build a photomontage of photos that would mirror your style most accurately. The photos can then be copied onto a beautiful area rug or full size floor mat for maximum customization. You can also choose tailored sizing for your floor covering if the lizard room you’re decorating demands a floor covering with odd measurements.

Whether it’s a lavishly plushy bathroom rug, a statement floor covering for a formal dining room, or a strong floor rug in your kitchen, with VisionBedding, selecting the ideal patterns for your lizard themed space will be wonderfully easy. First rate caliber, top quality unique rugs that will last and last, just like the wonderful effect they’ll have on every person who visits your abode.

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