Turn your bathroom into a wonderful Retro themed look with a neat shower curtain or bath mat.
Get transported back in a funky time as you style your home with periodic images from the 1950’s, sixties and 1970’s. Accomplishing a fun and funky retro place can be completed through combining shapes and colors in your decor. Our inventory of retro designs has many unique patterns that will look fantastic on retro bath decor. You are able to go with the average retro style with vintage tones to get that vintage look, or try groovy bath decor from the eighties for an energetic and gorgeous mood. Level up and create an oldies but goodies space by also having a flair of retro to your furnishings.
Design your bathroom in a unique and stylish way with retro themed decoration that shows off your personal charm. Keeping your shower curtains, bath mats, and even towels all designed in a uniquely personalized theme will make you happy when you walk in. Sort through Vision Bedding’s plethora of designs that you won’t find anywhere else online. We have over 300 different selections for everything in your bathroom, from custom sized shower curtains to bath rugs - even the beach towels can match!
Creating a tasteful retro bathroom is straightforward with all of our design options, but you don’t want to redo the process often. That’s why it’s imperative to purchase unbeatable quality decor at an amazing value, like our water-resistant fabric shower curtains that will repel water residue and sustain their glorious colors for as long as you love them. Fabric introduces texture and calm into a bathroom visually and functionally. The long lasting, smooth and pliable shower curtain material makes entering and exiting the bath/shower without struggle. You’ll always want a sturdy, but soft bath mat to put your feet on. Not just to spoil your tootsies, but to soak in the water and guard your flooring. Our bath mats have a plush top fabric and a non slip rubber pad on the underside to keep your serenity cave...serene. Add pizzazz to your bath decor with a vivid beach towel hung in the best accent spot, and you’ll have the retro themed powder room you’ll happily enter and hesitantly leave.
Perhaps you are needing to create a unique retro bathroom. All of VisionBedding.com’s design selections are absolutely customizable. Colors can be adjusted to perfectly match your current interior design or letters can be included to add a personal touch. To make a restroom that can be found nowhere else, choose one or several of your own pictures and we will dye it onto the fabric for you. Also, we can help you style your lavatory with any unique sizing needs. If our basic shower curtains will not fit right, order a custom sized one. Whether your bathroom is tiny or larger than normal, VisionBedding will create retro shower curtains that will be perfect for you.
With a original shower curtain, a personalized bath mat and an exclusive set of vacation-ready retro beach towels, your powder room will appear to have went through a glorious transformation. Bathroom towels work just as wonderfully for decoration as they do for practical use. Hanging up an artsy towel over a towel rack will add another taste of retro style to your restroom, looking just like a piece of art on a wall. Though, nothing will attract the eyes like your retro shower curtain! Now go on and let's start designing!