Redecorate your bathroom into an amazing pineapple styled look with a personalized shower curtain or towel set.
Bathrooms are some of the best places to decorate because of all the differing options. When decorating your pineapple themed lavatory, you can choose from over 850 designs to put on every single bathroom product. From custom size toilet covers to bath mats, we have all the options. Even pineapple towels are attainable. Your private space should be different, so having a lot of design choices means you can design the themed powder room of your fantasies.
A powder room in pineapple theme isn’t as simple as selecting a product that goes with your theme. Do not purchase a bath decoration just because the price is cheap; make sure that the quality is as good as the look. The bottom of VisionBedding’s plush bath mats are made of non slip rubber mat with round edges that make them safe to use and great to step out onto. Our shower curtains are created with dense, reliable, water resistant cloth and are machine washable. Give yourself fantastic quality bath products for enjoyment and longstanding durability.
Not all bathroom shapes are equal. It happens that you can’t purchase a pre-made shower curtain because you have a large shower. Don’t stress anymore! Find the correct dimensions for the curtain you would like - large or small. We offer lots of custom sized shower curtains that will fit your distinct shower. Also, if you desire to personally select a particular design from our inventory and make it unique to your needs, we will be able to adjust colors and apply personalized words or even use your favorite personal image. You will use your bathroom at the start and end of each and every day. Get a unique powder room atmosphere with our specially made pineapple bath decorations.
A decorated powder room is fundamental in every home. Step up your decorating game and shock your house guests when they experience your pineapple designed bathroom. Themed decor will achieve a one of a kind bathroom. VisionBedding’s innumerable options for individualization will give you the restroom you always dreamed of.