Turn your bathroom into a stunning Fairy Tale styled area with a custom size shower curtain or towel.
Create a whole new world with your decoration with fairy tale bath decor. Let your mind travel to a land only in your dreams and let your living room tell the classic tales of a princess and a prince who fell in love. Red rose bath decor will remind you of the curse placed upon the prince for his vanity and judgement. Fall to the magic of the enchanted forest and use decor that makes you feel magically surrounded by trees, magical beasts and colorful mushrooms. Our fairy tale prints will set ablaze your wildest imagination and carry you back to the first “once upon a time…”
Your bathroom: the number one place you use when you start your day, the last place you use before you go to bed. If you need to start and end your day on a harmonious note (never mind all the time you spent there during the day), it’s got to be easy on the eyes and functional. Check out all of our fairy tale themed designs. With over 400 designs of wonderful beach towels, plush bath mats, and shower curtains that can be personally sized to impeccably fit your shower space or bath. We are positive that we are able to help you to create that perfect look that will greet you with “It’s a beautiful day!” and “Sweet dreams.”
Bathroom products must stand up to water and evaporation, upkeep their vibrant colors while being easy to care for. At VisionBedding.com, we use ecologically friendly, water-based dyes to create our prints. They are fade resistant and remain gorgeous and sharp. Our shower curtains are created with a water resistant polyester material and includes twelve openings for effortless installation. Step out of the shower onto one of our luxurious bath mats. The material is very lush and like a pillow for your tootsies and the bottom has a long lasting white, non-sliding rubber layer. Our towels are perfectly practical and delightfully decorative while completing the overall look of your fairy tale themed bathroom.
The artsy options for your fairy tale themed restroom are basically endless. Select from our 550 gallery designs, all colorful and long lasting durability with our good quality, eco-friendly, water-based dyes. Apply your own flair with the option to choose the hue, remove an object, repeat a photograph that strikes you, personalize it with words, or even add your own epic digital image dyed into the fabric. Once you’ve got your eye candy, we can customize the size of your shower curtain, the point of focus of your restroom, so that you’ll never have to give up style to fit into the box of standard sizing.
A decorated bathroom is important in every single home. Step up your decorating game and shock your friends and family when they use your fairy tale styled powder room. Themed decorations will accomplish a unique bathroom. VisionBedding’s innumerable options for customization will help you achieve the restroom you have always needed.