Let your bathroom be a beautiful sanctuary away from the normalcy of life with our exotic bath decor. Start off with an unbelievable panoramic view of an exotic location shown as a photo image design on your new shower curtains. How about a handmade wooden kayak tied to the glistening white sand at the bottom of your shower curtains? The kayak is floating atop clear aqua water that ripples calmly towards huge gray rocks covered in green tropical plants in Thailand.
Give yourself the ultimate in relaxation with exotic shower curtains that display an orange hammock tied with ropes to a pair of small coconut trees. This design gives you a sublime view of the blue ocean and the dark blue silhouettes of the San Blas islands in Panama. Another exotic pattern shows a photo of nothing but the backs of four red beach loungers set facing a pristine blue sky, ocean and sandy beach. Make sure your family has exotic imagery everywhere they look in the bathroom with exotic towels, bath mats and even on your bathroom walls.
Give your husband a custom towel that depicts a red, a green and an orange martini, each topped with a slice of orange or lime. These beverages are set in front of a background made of ice to symbolize their cool refreshment. The exotic drinks are seen reflecting into the shimmering water in the foreground of the towel pattern.
Then choose an exotic bath mat that reminds your kids of the exciting vacation they'll get when school is out. These include bath mats that display bright orange, canary yellow, lime green and leaf green luggage piled together on a perfect white beach beside a pair of palm trees and an exotic turquoise sea.
Have an obsession of unusual creatures like the gorgeous hyacinth macaw or the cute and infamous fennec fox? Are you drawn to tree frogs and tiger salamander? These are some rare creatures are usually hard to find and are often kept as pets are extremely costly. Feature these rare creatures right in your design with exotic bath decor. Also show unsafe exotic creatures in your house without having to worry about damage. Display animals like alligators and piranhas beautifully and at a much lower price.
Your bathroom: the number one place you see when you arise, the very last place you use before going to sleep. If you desire to ground your day on a happy note (not to mention all the time you spent there during the day), it’s got to be pretty to look at and functional. Look at all of our exotic themed designs. With over 850 designs of wonderful beach towels, plush bath mats, and shower curtains that can be personalized to perfectly fit your shower space or bath. We are sure that we can help you to create that perfect look that will shout “Good morning!” and “Sweet dreams.”
Putting together a gorgeous exotic powder room is straightforward with our many options, but you aren’t going to want to repeat the process often. That’s why it’s essential to purchase unbeatable quality products at a fantastic value, like our water proof fabric shower curtains that will fight against water residue and maintain their vibrant colors for as long as you love them. Fabric introduces zen and texture into a lavatory visually and functionally. The enduring, quiet and pliable shower curtain material makes getting into and out of the bath/shower without struggle. You’ll always want a durable, but luxurious bath rug to comfort your feet with. Not just to love on your tootsies, but to absorb the water and defend your floors. Our bath mats have a lush top fabric and a non slip rubber pad on the underside to keep your serenity cave...serene. Add pizzazz to your bath decor with a made to order beach towel hanging in the right accent spot, and you’ll have the exotic themed powder room you’ll happily enter and hesitate to leave.
Not all bathroom shapes are the same. It happens that you won’t be able to buy a ready made shower curtain because you have a large shower. Don’t worry anymore! Get the exact measurements for the curtain you would like - small or large. Vision Bedding offers a lot of custom sized shower curtains that will fit your unique shower. Additionally, if you want to change a particular design from our inventory and make it your own, VisionBedding can modify colors and add personalized words or even add your very own personal photograph. You use your powder room at the start and end of each and every day. Create a feng shui bathroom atmosphere with our custom made bath decor.
With a specially designed shower curtain, a custom made bath mat and a collection of vacation-ready exotic beach towels, your lavatory will appear to have went through an incredible transformation. Bath towels work just as well for decorating as they do for their regular use. Hanging a personally designed bath towel over a rack will add another taste of exotic style to your lavatory, acting as a masterpiece against a wall. Though, nothing will steal the show like your exotic shower curtain! Now go ahead and let's start customizing!