Redecorate your bathroom into a unique Christmas styled oasis with a personalized shower curtain or towel.
It is the most magical season of the whole year and we all want to dress up our houses with Christmas lights, Saint Nick, christmas elves and a the classic nativity scene. Xmas bath decor will bring back the childhood joy with amazing images like a Holiday tree with gifts underneath. Transform your house this Xmas season by displaying Rudolph and snowmen everywhere plus your Christmas bath decor to really feel the spirit of the holiday in your house. You can also choose designs that emphasizes to your guests to not forget the real spirit of the Yuletide season which is happiness, peace and love.
Your bathroom: the number one place you see when you get out of bed, the very last place you see before bed. If you want to ground your day on a harmonious note (never mind all the time spent there in between), it has to be easy on the eyes and have good feng shui. Check out all of our christmas themed designs. With over 350 designs of stunning beach towels, plush bath mats, and shower curtains that can be personally sized to accurately fit your shower or tub. We are sure that we are able to help you to create that desired look that will say “Good morning sunshine!” and “Sweet dreams.”
A bathroom in christmas theme unfortunately is not as transparent as buying a product that will match with your theme. Do not purchase a toilet seat cover just because it is low cost; be confident that the quality of the product is as good as the appearance. The underside of’s plush bath rugs are made of non slip rubber mat with round corners that make them safe to use and perfect to step out onto. Our shower curtains are made of dense, lasting, water resistant cloth and are machine washable. Invest in fantastic quality bath products for satisfaction and longstanding durability.
Not all bathroom shapes are equal. It happens that you can’t get an off-the-rack shower curtain because you have an unusual sized shower. Don’t worry anymore! Get the exact dimensions for the curtain you desire - small or large. We can make any custom sized shower curtains that will be correctly sized to your individual shower. Additionally, if you need to customize a particular design from our inventory and make it unique to you, VisionBedding will alter colors and apply personalized graphics or even download your favorite personal image. You will use your bathroom at the beginning and end of each day. Get an unforgettable powder room atmosphere with our specially made bath decorations.
The best selling christmas theme. It could be the thing that motivates you to wake up after you turn off the beeping alarm in the morning. Or perhaps it is the only thing that relaxes you into calm and tranquil dreams at night. Bathe yourself in customized decor, with quality that will last and revel in a long luxury bath behind your unique shower curtain. Wash up in your one and only christmas themed bathroom.