Gentle, round, red and polka dotted, ladybugs are the cutest bugs in the world. So make sure that you can offer kids and even adult photo subjects our ladybug backdrops. For little girls, use a custom backdrop that features two pairs of adorable blue or pink ladybugs with black spots. These funny bugs big bulging white eyes, long legs, and are set on a bright green background beside white and pink or blue and yellow flowers.
Another great photo backdrop to get your young subjects smiling shows three cartoon ladybugs in different silly poses. Boys will especially love these backdrops, with one ladybug grinning widely as he hangs upside down from a stem, another waving his hands in the air and sticking out his tongue, and the third looking at you with a huge and mischievous smile. Older kids want photographer backdrops that display detailed photo images of ladybugs.
On one of our custom sized backdrops, a single ladybug is seen with its blood red exoskeleton, black spots and tiny yellow eyes set in sharp contrast to a white background. On another backdrop, a ladybug is pictured walking down a green blade of grass, which provides the perfect place to pose your subject in the empty arc beneath it. Teenage girls will want to have their picture taken in front of a ladybug backdrop that depicts two of these cute little creatures in a romantic scene.
The tiny pair is rubbing their antennae together as they stand atop the white petals of two flowers. Another backdrop that is ideal for Valentines Day shows an array of ladybugs arranged together in a heart shape. One of our most popular ladybug backdrops for women displays three ladybugs flying on a sunny summer afternoon.
You can pose your client beneath these soaring ladybugs, with a blue sky and white clouds behind them, and red tulips and white daises surrounding your happy subject.
These lady-like beetles are known by their dotted red shells. Even though this is the typical look of lady beetles that we are used to, they aren’t all black and red. It is a great idea to add other lady beetles with outer shells of all different colors. Highlight purple, yellow or green shelled lady beetle backdrops and it capture your friends' curiosity. Ladybugs bring a fun and sassy spark to a room. So, style your space with lady beetle backdrops and highlight different and uncommon species in your house to give a cute buggy, lady beetle flair.
When you really need to accentuate your ladybug theme in a manner that’s going to complete a room, has more than 450 background possibilities that will produce the strong look you’re going for. Just slide your backdrop over a hanging rod or on any of’s versatile backdrop stands, and you’ll have a picture that will brighten your room with color and design. With standard 5’x7’ cloth backgrounds in a wealth of existing patterns, plus personalized dimensions, colors, and photo options right at hand, you’ll easily find the ladybug background that will accentuate all the positives you can imagine.
Displaying lovely backgrounds is crucial for making one’s photo studio stay in business, so these are valuable purchases. VisionBedding’s tear resistant and light background that can be set up anywhere will give you the chance to take your photo work offsite easily; this model also makes them easy to put away. VisionBedding’s ladybug backdrops not only meet that criteria, but they also have available portable background rods with storage cases, so you can take photos any place you desire.
The normal backdrop can only hold a particular number of customers in a shot. If you work from a large studio and desire to be one of the few businesses that is able to allow large sized numbers of customers in an image, you will have to have a custom sized backdrop which VisionBedding can do in any size you desire! You can additionally choose how you want to show it. We can supply the ladybug background with either a curtain pocket or metal eyelets or by whatever means you need, such as by adding velcro.
Displaying a varied choice of special backdrops for your business will make your business succeed. Your customers will appreciate having more variety of high quality options to pick from, and it will keep clients asking for more photography sessions. If your client is needing a specialized style of ladybug backdrop that you do not keep available, you can work with them to create their own customized printed background to fit anything the customers are seeking. One can also use one of these backgrounds as a wall hanging in your living area to provide it with some unique flair; the backgrounds can be hung up with a curtain rod. With’s varied options, the ideas for your ladybug designed background are innumerable! Whether one is a professional in a business studio or a hobbyist, these ladybug styled backgrounds are wonderful for putting a unique and creative twist on your photos.